Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lessons Learned: My Parents are Hotties

Lessons Learned: Goodbye to You

BitchNichole: You're never going to believe who emailed my today!

ElleShoes: UGH, it wasn't Big was it?

BitchNichole: Well, WIG, but same thing.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Lessons Learned: No You're Not Mine At All

The episode of Sex and the City where Carrie tells Aidan she can't marry him usually reminds BitchNichole that she is the most heartless person she knows since it really mirrors her own life. Of course the boy that wanted to spend the rest of his life with our heroine was not really that similar to Aidan at all, but you get the idea.

However, today for the first time when the episode replayed on TBS she looked back fondly on her decision to leave.

In other news:

My iPod isn't working... this is the worst thing EVER!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lessons Learned: And Then He Kissed Me

Interesting Knowledge about the Diva:

Every time she kisses a new boy for the first time she feels extremely nauseous during the kiss.

I wonder if this will ever be a problem

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lessons Learned: Cutting My Losses

On her way to Barnes and Noble to pick up a new book about zombies BitchNichole ran into MoMo. They were chatting it up when the pal apologized for everything with TheHipster, "I had no idea he was seeing someone!"

This was news to the diva, but she got a few cd's and a bootleg copy of a Ryan Adams concert out of everything, so it wasn't a total loss.

Moving on... BitchNichole was getting a much needed mani/pedi today when a stereotypical UES soccer mom approached our heroine while waiting for her nails to dry. The woman made small talk with the diva and dropped some names before asking her age. After hearing the diva's response she mulled it over for a second and then said she had a boy she would like to set her up with. "He's an architect and has a vacation home in Vermont, he'll teach you to ski." The UESSoccermom pulled out her iPhone, found TheArchitect's number and passed it along to the diva.

In Other News:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lessons Learned: Boy Overload

The diva recently had a dream that she got in a car with her ex, and his best friend. The two then proceeded to drive off a cliff with her buckled in.

Analysis: Mom40 has finally given BitchNichole paranoia. Thanks.

In Other News: The setup with TheHipster is going as planned, but she's having trouble being charming. Where is her head at, she needs to get back in the game.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lessons Learned: Two Outta Three Ain't That Bad

Despite the fact that she had to walk past the ex's apartment to get to the party, BitchNichole successfully made it through CobbleHill last night with no uncomfortable run-ins.

Frodo never showed.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lessons Learned: You Know Its Hard Out Here for a Pimp

This weekend BitchNichole has plans to meet up for a board games night with friends.

One friend has said he can get a certain LOTR star to come play.

Unfortunately game night is in her ex's neighborhood.

The diva is currently taking bets on the chance of the star skipping out and instead running into the ex or one of his friends. The latter is probably more likely. Awwwkward!