Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lessons Learned: Cutting My Losses

On her way to Barnes and Noble to pick up a new book about zombies BitchNichole ran into MoMo. They were chatting it up when the pal apologized for everything with TheHipster, "I had no idea he was seeing someone!"

This was news to the diva, but she got a few cd's and a bootleg copy of a Ryan Adams concert out of everything, so it wasn't a total loss.

Moving on... BitchNichole was getting a much needed mani/pedi today when a stereotypical UES soccer mom approached our heroine while waiting for her nails to dry. The woman made small talk with the diva and dropped some names before asking her age. After hearing the diva's response she mulled it over for a second and then said she had a boy she would like to set her up with. "He's an architect and has a vacation home in Vermont, he'll teach you to ski." The UESSoccermom pulled out her iPhone, found TheArchitect's number and passed it along to the diva.

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