Monday, May 14, 2007

Lessons Learned: Stressed Out Ponderings

So the last boy to totally break the diva's heart just wrote a big blog entry about how he hates most people.

Is this karma? Probably not, but we can always pretend. Regardless, it's nice to know he's an equal opportunity asshole, and no, she is not currently speaking to him.

Shhh... When you call it instantly brightens up my day. Can we go back to being best friends now? I'm sure your girlfriend will understand.

Kudla comes to town this week! The diva has high stress. The future husband is bound to be disappointed, because she probably won't be going out with him.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Lessons Learned: And Out Come the Wolves

There was a time awhile back (which I think I can now mention because enough time has elapsed) when Newbie donkey punched PunUzo. And we all laughed except PunUzo because the back of his head hurt.

And while we were all giggling and having a dandy ole time Newbie was out spreading the word of the Welsh Diaries. She told everyone she could meet that BitchNichole was writing all types of sordid crazy tales about her for all of the world to see. And saw they did.

Around this time daily readership increased by 50% or greater. That was until Newbie presented the story to the proper authorities and BitchNichole was forced to take down the entry. But several readers stuck around afterwards. If you are such a reader I thank you now!

Regardless, many people forget that scandal breeds popularity. Why else would anyone watch The View?

And although BitchNichole would rather stay out of the limelight of this scandal, when our heroine sees lemons she likes to make her own lemonade. She always loves new readers stopping by, so for that she would like to say thank you and welcome.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lessons Learned: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

BitchNichole finally found the song that reminds her of the latest ex.

One of the lines is "damn this guy can make me cry".

That should serve as a warning.