Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lessons Learned: Hobophobic

BitchNichole was sad when the homeless man she gives food to after work went MIA last month. Her imagination went into overdrive for a few days after he disappeared until she got distracted by more important things.

However with his reappearance yesterday BitchNichole was felt relief with a hint of frustration from wondering where the hell he'd been.

But today our diva could not believe her eyes as she walked down the stairs to the 6 train. There sat her vagabond friend, pulling a cell phone out of his pocket to receive a text message.

Wait, wait, wait. Was this the same man who carried signs asking for money to buy a hot dog because he "is completely alone... seriously." The diva stopped in her tracks, she had been had. How can someone that's all alone be receiving a text???

As the diva ran off to catch the approaching train she shook her head in hopes that he would sense her disappointment.

In Other News:

The Diva's crush of the week is approaching frustrating levels.


Blogger JK said...

Did you ever consider it could have been stolen. Maybe he is a homeless thief!!!

11:18 AM  

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